Kersie the Wonder Cherry saying Hello

Hi there!

There’s only one like her in the whole wide world, that’s for sure. Kersie is a WonderCherry. She used to be a regular cherry when she was small, but as she ripened she developed the unique qualities to transform into a true heroine.
What does that entail, you ask?
  • Unlimited knowledge. Kersie loves to constantly learn new things. Studying is one of her favorite activities. It makes her bright and flexible. “Be a sponge, absorb everything.”

  • Great patience - towards herself, too. Being a WonderCherry doesn’t mean she doesn’t make mistakes, but she’s pretty good at learning lessons from them and forgiving herself.

  • Radiating beauty. Kersie loves herself, and this makes her shine particularly bright. It’s impossible to resist her charm.

  • Extraordinary kindness. Kersie always puts the happiness of her community before her. She helps her cherry sisters out when they’re in need with a smile on her face. She makes time for them even when she’s incredibly busy. “Seeing another cherry smiling is my absolute favorite thing.”

  • A wonderful sense of adventure. Kersie is always incredibly curious, which leads her off the beaten path. She explored faraway countries, learned rare languages, and tasted exotic foods. She loves being alone in nature.

Yogi Kersie

Being a Wonder Cherry is hard, which is why Kersie values the importance of blowing off some steam. She’s been practicing yoga for a while, and although she’s not the most flexible cherry out there, she likes meditating to the soothing voice of her teacher. Practice relaxes her so much that sometimes she’s afraid she’ll doze off.
Yogi Kersie
Squeaky Clean Kersie

Squeaky Clean

Kersie swears by it: there’s nothing more relaxing than a bath at the end of a hard day at work. To her, her bathtub is also a karaoke bar, the setting of some American talk show where she’s the guest of honor, and a cool hangout spot for her and her rubber duck Roger Squeaky, one of her favorite toys from her childhood.

Sunkissed Kersie

Kersie loves summertime. When it’s warm, she heads to the beach early in the morning and in the late afternoon, so she can absorb all the happy sunrays without damaging her glossy peel. “Sunkissed,” she says, “not sunburnt! That’s my beauty secret. Well, and water. Stay hydrated, kids!”
Sunkissed Kersie
Sunday Morning Kersie

After Party Morning

Ok, so Kersie is a WonderCherry, but she occasionally miscalculates her tequila shots, too. Loud noises and bright lights hurt, she feels like a dried plum. “It’s like having a metaphorical caterpillar thinking that your head is its own downtown studio. Ugh! I’ll never drink again.” When she feels like this water resuscitates her. Water and uncountable facepalms.

Nerdy Kersie

That’s right, Kersie’s always been a bookworm ever since she was a kid. Her classmates called her “Nerdy Kersie.” Luckily, our favorite cherry knows that curiosity’s not a flaw. She loves learning just about anything. She has a penchant for endangered languages and foreign literature. “In books, there are endless worlds,” she says.
Nerdy Kersie

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