Cookies Policy

Last modified July 5, 2020

The website ("Website") is hosted by LSD Team via Netlify (

On our Website, various cookies may be used. With this Cookies Policy, we would like to inform you what cookies are, what they do, and what kind of cookies are used on our Website. Personal Data that we collect via cookies is processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

We may change this Cookies Policy and the list of cookies that are used on our Website at any time.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files containing letters and numbers that are sent by a webserver to your computer, smartphone, tablet or any other device with internet access which you use in order to visit our Websites (“Device”). Once a cookie is stored on your Device, the Website server may be able to recognise the Device you use. The cookie may be used to collect information that may relate to you and/or your use of our Websites and Services, information about your Device, e.g. the device’s IP address and browser type, broad location and, if you arrived at our Website via a link from third party site, the URL of the linking page. If you have registered for any Services or you are a subscriber, it may also be used to collect your name and email address, which may be transferred to data processors for registered user or subscriber verification purposes.

In addition to cookies, our Website may also use small graphic data - web beacons (also known as ‘Pixel Tags’ or ‘Clear GIFs’), which can be included on our Website and newsletters and are usually used in combination with cookies to identify users and user behavior.

We use the term “cookies” in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way.

2. What are the different types of cookies?

Session cookies are only stored for the duration of your visit to a Website and are deleted from your Device when you close your browser.

Persistent cookies are saved on your Device for a fixed period of time after the browser has closed and are used where we (or a third party) need to identify you for a later browsing session. The fixed period of time is typically 30-90 days for targeting or behavioural advertising cookies and may be up to 26 months for analytical performance and measurement cookies.

First-party cookies are set by the Website you are visiting.

Third-party cookies are cookies used within our Websites and Services which are set by other organisations. These include cookies from external analytics services which help us to understand the use of our Websites, or by advertisers so that they can track the effectiveness of their advertisements.

3. What cookies are used by LSD Team?

LSD Team prefers zero-calories, fat free, organic, natural, non-gmo cookies without artificial colorings and no preservatives. Different types of cookies may be used on the Website. According to the purpose these cookies serve, they may generally be assigned to one of the following categories:

Essential or "Strictly Necessary" Cookies. These are cookies that are necessary for the operation of our Website. We may use cookies and tracking technologies required to prevent fraudulent activity, improve security, and for system administration. These cookies are usually session cookies which will expire when you close your browsing session.

Functional Cookies are the cookies that enable you to move around our Website and use its features, record information about choices that you have made, and tailor the Website to your needs. Without these cookies, we will not be able to provide certain features, such as remembering details you entered and saving your preferred choices. The information collected by these cookies is usually anonymised, so we cannot identify you personally. Functional cookies do not track your internet usage or gather information which could be used for selling advertising, but they do help with serving advertising.

Analytical Cookies, i.e. analytics/statistical cookies that used to monitor and improve the performance of our Website, for example, to determine the number of pageviews and the number of unique users our Website has. Analytical Cookies help us to understand the patterns of user behaviour on our Website, which enables us to improve how we present our content or identify areas of the Website which may require maintenance. For example, we might use Analytical cookies to keep track of which pages are most popular, which method of linking between pages is most effective, and to determine why some pages are receiving error messages.

Web analytics services may be designed and operated by third parties. The information provided by these cookies is anonymous (i.e. it cannot be used to identify you and does not contain Personal Data such as user name and email address) and it is only used for statistical purposes.

Targeting or "Behavioural Advertising" Cookies are the cookies to deliver content, including marketing, tailored to your interests based upon your use of our Website and based on how you interact with our marketing content. This is often called online behavioural advertising (OBA) and is done by grouping together shared interests based upon web browsing history. Your web browsing history can be used to infer things about you (e.g. your age, gender etc.), and this information may also be used to make advertising on websites more relevant to you. Without these cookies, content and advertisements you encounter may be less relevant to you and your interests.

Our Website uses cookies from all of the above categories in order to provide you with the best Internet experience. For a detailed list of the cookies used by us please see the Cookie Table below.

4. How to manage or opt out of cookies?

4.1. Essential (Strictly Necessary) Cookies

Essential Cookies will be set by us on your Device without us explicitly asking for your consent. The types of such cookies can be seen in the Cookie Table below. If you do not accept the use of Essential Cookies, please disable cookies or refrain from visiting our Website.

4.2. Consent to accept other cookies

In addition to the Essential Cookies, we will set cookies on your Device only, if you have given your prior consent. Such cookies are Functional Cookies, Analytical Cookies and Targeting Cookies. The exact types of such cookies can be seen in the Cookie Table below.

You are free to withdraw your consent at any time, for example by changing your preferences on our Website and/or by deleting the cookies. If you do not accept all cookies or withdraw your consent, you may still browse the contents of the Website; however, in this case you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Website.

4.3. Browser settings

As a rule, most commercially available web browsers accept saving cookies by default. Everyone can decide how they are going to use cookie files by adjusting appropriate settings in their browser. This means that it is possible either to partially limit (e.g. to certain times) or completely disable cookie saving; in the last event, this might affect some of the Website’s functionalities.

The cookie settings of the web browser are crucial to whether or not consent has been given for our Website to use cookie files; under the regulations, such consent can be given by making the relevant settings in the web browser. If such consent is refused, the cookie settings of the web browser have to be changed accordingly.

Some internet browsers have a ‘Do Not Track or ‘DNT’ setting; this sends a signal to websites asking them not to track your browsing.

Details of how the cookie settings can be changed and how cookies can be removed from the most popular web browsers are available from the Help section of the relevant web browser and on the following pages:

4.4. Opting out of third party cookies

In some cases, you can choose to accept cookies from the primary site, but block them from third parties. In others, you can block cookies from specific advertisers, or clear out all cookies. Deleting or blocking cookies may reduce functionality of the Website. To learn more about how to reject cookies, visit

If you experience any problems having deleted cookies, you should contact the supplier of your web browser.

For more information about third party cookies generated by advertisers you may visit

If you are concerned about Targeting or "Behavioural Advertising" Cookies and would like to learn more about how advertisers use them or to choose not to receive these third party cookies you may visit

Please be aware that these are third party websites and LSD Team does not accept any liability for the instructions given on these sites.

4.5. Web beacons

Our emails may contain a single, campaign-unique “web beacon pixel” to tell us whether our emails are opened and verify any clicks through to links or advertisements within the email. We may use this information for purposes including determining which of our emails are more interesting to users, to query whether users who do not open our emails wish to continue receiving them and to inform our advertisers in aggregate how many users have clicked on their advertisements. The pixel will be deleted when you delete the email. If you do not wish the pixel to be downloaded to your device, you should select to receive emails from us in plain text rather than HTML.

5. Google Analytics

On our Website, we use Google Analytics provided by Google LLC (“Google”). The Personal Data collected by Google may be stored and processed in the United States of America and any other country in which Google or any of its subprocessors maintains facilities. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of evaluating your use of the Website, compiling reports on the Website activity and providing further services to us relating to the Website usage.

The storage of Google Analytics cookies can be prevented by installing a browser add-on from Google LLC available at Once installed and enabled this add-on disables measurement by Google Analytics for any site you visit. Note that this add-on only disables Google Analytics measurement.

Google Analytics is used in accordance with the Google Ads Data Processing Terms that supersede and replace the existing Analytics Data Processing Amendment (including the German Analytics Data Processing Amendment).

You may find more information in the following documents: Google Analytics Terms of Service, Google Analytics security and privacy principles, Google Privacy Policy.

6. Inspectlet Analytics

On our Website, we use analytics services provided by Inspectlet, Inc. (“Inspectlet”). The data (including Personal Data) collected by Inspectlet is stored in the AWS US East data centers in Virginia, USA. Inspectlet permanently deletes data from their data centers on a rolling basis when it becomes older than the retention policy for that data.

The form data on our Website is marked as sensitive and is ignored by Inspectlet, therefore data entered by you is not transmitted to the Inspectlet servers. We also enabled IP address anonymization for the data collected by Inspectlet on our Website, which means that the last two octets of your IP address will be removed and not be available to us nor Inspectlet. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of evaluating your use of the Website, compiling reports on the Website activity and providing further services to us relating to the Website usage.

Inspectlet services are used in accordance with their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

YAdditional information can be found in the Inspectlet's Privacy Impact Assessment under GDPR.

7. Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows us to quickly and easily update tags on our Website from a web interface. Tags are segments of code provided by analytics, marketing, and support vendors to help us integrate their products into this Website. Google Tag Manager only implements tags. This means that no cookies are used and, as a result, no Personal Data is recorded. It is listed here for completeness and to be transparent about the tools we use. If deactivation has been performed at a domain, page, event or third party script level, this remains in place for all tracking tags if these are implemented with Google Tag Manager.

8. Cookies Table






365 days



2 years



24 hours



1 minute



365 days


__insp_identity, __insp_nv, __insp_pad, __insp_ref, __insp_scpt, __insp_sid, __insp_slim, __insp_targlpt, __insp_targplpu, __insp_wid

